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This page (revision-250) was last changed on 01-Feb-2011 08:11 by Lauri Paatero  

This page was created on 10-Nov-2003 17:02 by JariKoivikko

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Ilmoittautuminen [Takapotku Open 2004|Takapotkuturnaus2004] -turnaukseen.
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Ilmoittaudu täyttämällä [lomake|] tai suoraan alla olevaan listaan. Varsinaisen ilmoittautumisen takaraja on maanantai 16.2.2004. Tätä myöhemmästä ilmoittautumisesta peritään jälki-ilmoittautumismaksu. Jos ongelmia ilmenee, ota sähköpostilla yhteyttä Jari Koivikkoon ([|]). Erikoistapauksissa saatetaan hyväksyä ennakkoilmoittautumisesta poikkeava järjestely.
kierroksen alkua.
T-paitakyselyllä kartoitetaan ihmisten halukkuutta hankkia turnauspaita.
Pelivälinealennuksen (5 euroa) saat, jos ilmoittaudut ennen 16.2 ja lupaat tuoda pelivälineet (kello, lauta ja kivet) turnauksessa käytettäväksi koko turnauksen ajaksi. Alennus myönnetään osallistumismaksua maksettaessa välineiden lainaa vastaan. Ingin kelloja tai pieniä/muovisia lautoja ei hyväksytä kuin etukäteen sovitusti tai erityisessä hätätilanteessa. :-)
In English:
Registration for [Takapotku Open 2004|]
Register by filling in the [form|]. The deadline for registration is Monday 16. Feb 2004. Late registration will be subject to a surcharge. In you have any problems, please contact Jari Koivikko, e-mail [|]. Exceptions to the procedure may be taken in special situations.
Final registration and paying the tournament fee take place at the tournament site on Saturday 28. Feb. The registration closes half an hour before start of the first round.
Please also fill in the fields "shirt" and "Equipment." The amount of T-shirts printed will be based on the number of interested people. The equiment discount (5 euros) will be given to those bringing in their set (clock, stones and board) for tournament use for the full duration of the tournament, and announcing it by the registration deadline. Ing's timers and small/plastic boards will not be accepted except if agreed beforehand, or in case of emergency. ;-)
|| Sija/Place || Nimi/Name || Rank || Kerho/Club or Country || Majoitustarve/Need for accommodation || T-paita/shirt || Välineet/Equipment
| [{Counter}] | Vesa Laatikainen |5 dan | Helsinki| No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Matti Siivola |5 dan | Helsinki| Ei | Ehkä |
| [{Counter}] | [Lauri Paatero]|3 dan| HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Markku Jantunen]|2 dan| Kanpai | Yes | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Teemu Hirsimäki]|2 dan| HGK | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Joose Viljanen|Joose]|1 dan| HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Kari Visala]|1 dan| Kanpai | Yes | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Otso Alanko]|1 dan| HGK | No| No |
| [{Counter}] | [Antti Holappa]|1 kyu| PoGo | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Antti Törmänen]|1 kyu| OGP | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Rauli Ruohonen | 2 kyu | PoGo | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Jari Koivikko] |2 kyu | HGK | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Ari-Pekka Perkkiö |2 kyu | PoGo | No | Yes | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Jukka Lindström|Kijoe] |3 kyu | HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Michael Goetze|3 kyu |HaGoC/Germany |Yes |No |
| [{Counter}] | Tero Matilainen |3 kyu | JoSeki | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Jarno Pikkumäki] |3 kyu | PoGo | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Henri Hansen] |3 kyu | Kanpai | Kylä | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Pertti Särelä | 3 kyu | Kanpai | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Aapo Niitamo] | 3 kyu | Hayashi | Yes | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Mikko Lappeteläinen|Mokki] | 4 kyu | HGK | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Janne Jalkanen] | 4 kyu | HGK | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Hannu Pajula | 4 kyu | Yligo | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Suvi Leppänen] | 4 kyu| Kanpai | Yes | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Antti Soukka | 4 kyu| Hayashi| No| No|
| [{Counter}] | [Markus Runonen] | 5 kyu| Tengen | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Harri Halttunen | 5 kyu | HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Jouni Kainulainen] | 5 kyu | YliGo | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | Magnus Merikaarnio | 5 kyu | Stockholm/Sweden | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Jouni Luoma | 6 kyu | Kanpai | Yes | No |
| [{Counter}] | Juha Lindell | 6 kyu | HGK | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Jouni Kärkkäinen | 7 kyu | Tengen | No | No | Yes
| [{Counter}] | Thomas Gaebler |7 kyu |Hayashi |probebly |No |Yes
| [{Counter}] | Alex Grönholm | 8 kyu | SaiGo | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Ville Salo] | 8 kyu | HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Joakim Björkgren] | 8 kyu | YliGo | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | [Eero Kaipiainen|etk]| 9 kyu | YliGo | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Antti Tuomi] | 9 kyu | HGK | No | Yes | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Juuso Väätäinen]| 10 kyu | HGK | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | [Toni Nummela]| 10 kyu | Hayashi | No | Yes | Yes
| [{Counter}] | Mikko Nummela | 10 kyu | Hayashi | No | Yes |
| [{Counter}] | Anssi Mattus| 14 kyu | HGK | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Henna Harju | 18 kyu | OGP | No | No |
| [{Counter}] | Misa Munde|?? kyu | YliGo | No | No |
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| [{Counter}] | [Tuomo Salo|Bass]| - | - | - | Yes | Yes
| [{Counter}] | [Tapio Vuorinen] | - (propably not playing) | - | Yes | Yes |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
250 01-Feb-2011 08:11 9.5 kB Lauri Paatero to previous
249 01-Feb-2011 07:26 9.588 kB PaulaMELENDEZ27 to previous | to last
248 30-Apr-2006 10:23 9.5 kB SuviLeppänen to previous | to last
247 03-Apr-2004 20:08 9.497 kB SuviLeppänen to previous | to last
246 28-Feb-2004 08:23 9.447 kB JariKoivikko to previous | to last
245 28-Feb-2004 03:45 9.394 kB to previous | to last
244 28-Feb-2004 00:35 9.449 kB JariKoivikko to previous | to last
243 26-Feb-2004 23:51 9.424 kB SampoSyrjänen to previous | to last
242 26-Feb-2004 23:48 9.424 kB to previous | to last
241 26-Feb-2004 17:56 9.478 kB JariKoivikko to previous | to last
« This page (revision-250) was last changed on 01-Feb-2011 08:11 by Lauri Paatero