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This page (revision-14) was last changed on 07-Sep-2011 17:48 by  

This page was created on 25-Feb-2003 15:38 by VesaTuomi

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed 2 lines
Vesa Tuomi, 9k\\
Helsingin Go-kerhon tiedottaja (kunnes joku muu haluaa homman ;)\\
Vesa Tuomi, 12k\\
At line 4 removed one line \\ \\
At line 6 changed 2 lines
Objoke: "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." \\
- Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)
vesse07 at gmail piste com \\ \\
ObSong: /Danny: On kuusta toinen puoli valloittamatta/ \\
"On gobanista toinen puoli valloittamatta' \\
nyt sinne ensiksi ennätän! \\
Reuna saavuttamatta, on mojon kaikista syvimmän \\
ja kun päämäärääni pääsen, \\
sen toivon sentenä jatkuvan..." \\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 07-Sep-2011 17:48 0.33 kB to previous
13 19-Oct-2007 14:11 0.336 kB to previous | to last
12 22-Aug-2006 09:24 0.368 kB to previous | to last
11 22-Aug-2006 09:23 0.368 kB to previous | to last
10 24-Feb-2004 11:57 0.368 kB Vet to previous | to last
9 24-Feb-2004 11:57 0.402 kB Vet to previous | to last
8 24-Feb-2004 11:56 0.392 kB Vet to previous | to last
7 24-Feb-2004 11:56 0.391 kB Vet to previous | to last
6 12-Sep-2003 12:23 0.336 kB Vet to previous | to last
5 12-Sep-2003 12:22 0.333 kB Vet to previous | to last
4 10-Sep-2003 18:04 0.263 kB Vet to previous | to last
3 11-Jun-2003 12:35 0.112 kB to previous | to last
2 25-Feb-2003 15:39 0.084 kB VesaTuomi to previous | to last
1 25-Feb-2003 15:38 0.082 kB VesaTuomi to last
« This page (revision-14) was last changed on 07-Sep-2011 17:48 by