Espoolainen 5 kyu. Pelailen PoGossa ja joskus KGS:ssä.

Tämmösiä löysin kaapista:
|200 endgame problems
|A way of play for the 21st century
|Art of connecting stones
|Attack and defense
|Dictionary of basic tesuji 1, Fujisawa Shuko
|Dictionary of basic tesuji 2, Fujisawa Shuko
|Dictionary of basic tesuji 3, Fujisawa Shuko
|Dictionary of basic joseki 1, Ishida Yoshio
|Dictionary of basic joseki 2, Ishida Yoshio
|Dictionary of basic joseki 3, Ishida Yoshio
|Five hundred and one opening problems
|Five hundred and one tesuji problems
|Get strong at attacking
|Get strong at invading
|Get strong at joseki 1
|Get strong at life and death
|Get strong at the opening
|Invincible: The games of Shusaku
|Lessons in the fundamentals of go, Kageyama
|Life and death, Davies
|Making good shape
|One hundred and one life and death problems
|Positional judgement
|Reducing territorial frameworks
|Tesuji, Davies
|The 1971 Honinbo tournament
|The chinese opening
|The direction of play
|Whole board thinking in joseki 2