!!!Mind Sports 2007 Go Tournament
__8.-9. September 2007__

[Oulun Goonpellaajat] will organize an open go tournament as a part of the 13th INTERNATIONAL OULU EVENT's [Mind Sports Festival Oulu 2007 |http://www.ouka.fi/international-oulu/english/mindsport.htm]. The tournament is open to the audience. For those interested in learning the basics of the game, some of the players are willing to instruct them in between the tournament games.

Mind Sports Festival will be held in the center of Oulu, in Oulun Lyseon lukio.

[Map of Oulu|http://kartta.ouka.fi/]

[Registration|Mind Sports 2007 Registration] and [Accommodation|Mind Sports 2007 Accommodation]

[Älypelit suomeksi|Älypelit 2007]


*Game rules: Japanese rules -89
*System: MacMahon, even games

*Komi: 6.5 for white
*Playing time: Propably 40 minutes and 25 stones in 5 minutes Canadian byo-yomi (EGF B class)
*Rounds: 5 rounds
*Tie breakers: MMS and SOS


*As prize money to be awarded to the winners, the City of Oulu has traditionally donated 555€. This has been divided in the following manner:\\
**I 200€\\
**II 125€\\
**III  75€\\
**IV  50€\\
**The remaining 105€ has been divided amongst individuals who played especially well, keeping in mind that any single player may receive only one award.

*The Mind Sports go tournament is also part of the Finnish SGP series, so a SGP points and GP prizes (two books) will be handed out to the players who have gathered the most GP points.

*Additionally, one to two of the best players from Oulu will receive places in the Oulu Championship 2006 finals (assuming they do not have one already). 

!Preliminary tournament schedule

__Saturday 21.10.__

*10.30 Registration begins
*11.30 Registration closes
*12.00 __1st round__
*14.00 Lunch
*15.30 __2nd round__
*18.00 __3rd round__
*~20.00 Game evening and sauna

__Sunday 22.10.__

*10.30 Doors open
*11.00 __4th round__
*13.00 Lunch
*14.30 __5th round__
*~16.30 Closing ceremony and handing out awards

!Entry fees

*Entry feeswill be informed on later date.
*Entry fees are to be paid during registration on Saturday. Please prepare the exact amount of cash if possible.


*On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, [Cafe Milou] might give a discount for the tournament players: Tap beer only 3€/0.5l or cider 3,5€/0.4l.
*On Saturday tournament continues with additional games and sauna in [Toivoniementie 1|http://kartta.ouka.fi/] club room. More information during Saturday.


*[Oulun Goonpellaajat] with [International Oulu Week|http://www.ouka.fi/international-oulu/english/index.htm]
*Tiia Kekkonen tel: 358 - (0)44 557 3440, mail tii (at) iki . fi