!Nordic Championship 2015

The tournament will be held in Turku from 3rd to 5th April.\\

Teatteri Tarmo, Virusmäentie 10, 20300 Turku (700 meters from bus station, 2 km from railway station)\\
[Map | https://www.google.fi/maps/place/Virusm%C3%A4entie+10,+20300+Turku/@60.4611359,22.2713563,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x468c76f42f004f29:0x1fe8b5a5eaddcbfa]

!Tournament information
Even games, komi 6,5 points for white.\\
Thinking time is 80 + 80 minutes, plus canadian byoyomi 15 stones in 5 minutes. \\
Tie-breakers: SOS and SOSOS. 
Rules: [Nihon Ki-in 1989 japanese rules|http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~wjh/go/rules/Japanese.html] and [EGF tournament rules 2007|http://www.eurogofed.org/egf/tourrules.htm]\\
Referees: TBA

!Tournament fee
Regular fee: 25 €\\
Junior fee (players under 18): 15 €\\

Registration 10.00-10.50\\
11.00 1st round\\ 
15.00 2nd round\\
10.00 3rd round\\ 
14.00 4th round\\
9.00 5th round\\ 
13.00 6th round\\
16.15 Prize giving and closing\\

1st place: 200€\\
Other prizes will be announced later (depends on tournament budget)

!Social events and other information

Tee and coffee is served in tournament venue.
The tournament is played on Easter weekend. Most of the shops will be closed during that time (especially on Friday and Sunday). Thus, it might be good idea that players bring lunch to the tournament venue.