Suomen go-liitto sai oheisen viestin 15. lokakuuta ja toivoo tiedon leviävän näin SuomiGo-wikin kautta. --[Vesa] 16.10.2009
Pandanet Inc. is pleased to announce that we are going to hold the 8th World Students Igo Oza Championship in March, 2010.

Until the 7th Championship, the players were chosen by reccomendations by their national go associations, but as of 8th Championship preliminary tournaments are being held on the Internet. 

For more details, please click the address below.\\

We would like as many students as possible to participate in preliminary tournaments held on the Internet. It would be appreciated that you could forward this email to students you know and encourage them to participate in preliminary tournaments on the Internet.

Here is the Entry Form.\\

The deadline is October 25th.