Online registration list for the European Pair Go Championship 2014 tournament#

#Female playerRankingClubMale playerRankingClubNationality
1Svetlana Shikshina 3 dan proKazan Ilya Shikshin 7 dan Kazan Russia
2 Natalia Kovaleva 5 dan Chelyabinsk Dmitry Surin 6 dan St.Petersburg Russia
3Manja Marz 3 dan Jena Benjamin Teuber 6 dan Hamburg Germany
4Klara Zaloudkova 3 dan Prague Jan Hora 6 dan Prague Czech Republic
5 Elvina Kalsberg 3 dan Sankt Petersburg Viktor Bogdanov4 dan Petrozavodsk Russia
6Laura-Augustina Avram 3 dan Bistrita George Ghetu 3d Sakata Cluj Romania
7 Suvi Rovio 2 dan Kanpai Teemu Rovio 3 dan KanpaiFinland
8Irina Davis 1 kyu Tengen Brasov Lucretiu Calota 5 dan Tengen Brasov Romania
9Marianne Diederen 1 kyuAmsterdam Rene Aaij 4 dan Groningen Netherlands
10 Szonja Miskolczi 1 kyu Gyorgy Csizmadia 4 dan Hungary
11 Lova Wåhlin 1 kyu Stockholm Klas Almroth 4 dan Göteborg Sweden
12 Sari Kohonen 3 kyu EGo Vesa Laatikainen 5 dan EGo Finland
13 Elsa Nike Helena Polvinen 5 kyu eGo Jesse Savo 4 dan Hayashi Finland
14 Regina Sachsenhauser 4 kyu Munich Fabian Bambusch 2 dan Munich Germany
15Henna Harju 10 kyu Dango Anttoni Maula 1 danYliGoFinland
16Sofia Airola 20 kyuYliG Mikael Nenonen 2 dan eGo Finland
17Vologdina Viktoriia 15 kyu St.PetersburgSergey Korolev 13 kyu St.Petersburg Russia
18luciana voutilainen 1 kyu HGK timo halonen 28k Finland
19Sepon pari Seppo Rönkkö 5 kyu Lapinjärvi Finland

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