PM-kisojen majoitussivu / Accomodation possibilities #
Pelaajamajoitusta /Privat Boende / Private accomodation#
Tarjolla todennäköisesti jonkin verran pelaajamajoitusta.
Traditionelt vissa lokala spelare har gett boende som besökande spelare i sina hem. Mer Information kommer att ges senare.
Traditionally some local players have given accomodation to visiting players in their private homes, more information will be given later
Host | Guest(s) | Where? | Notes |
Jouni Valkonen | Mikko Nevala | Perno![]() | Bus 42 will go directly to tournament venue. Bed and Breakfast. |
Toni Vihermäki | 2 | Vasaramäki![]() | Bus number 12 & 9 goes to central. By walking it takes 45-55mins to tournament venue |
Floor accomodation opportunities#
Empty small flat at Student Village
Nr | Registration | Notes |
1 | Yang Su | will bring my own sleeping stuffs |
2 | Mikael Nenonen | bringing mine too. |
Lattiamajoitus / Golv Boende / Floor accomodation
Peruttu / Canceled
Edullisia hotelleja / Prisvärda hotell / Affordable hotels and hostels.#
Hotel Omena: bokning endast via internet
Reservations can only be done on the internet.
Hesehotelli has pages only in Finnish, Sorry. (Internet reservations only)
Keskustan Hotelleja / Hotell i centrum / Hotels in the city center#
Radisson Blu Marina Palace
Sokos Hotels: Hamburger Börs


Holiday Inn Turku

Park Hotel

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