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This page (revision-115) was last changed on 11-Aug-2008 00:37 by  

This page was created on 26-Jul-2008 21:19 by Markku Jantunen

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Difference between version and

At line 296 changed one line
|8| | Valkonen Jouni | 2 kiuu |2k+ |2k+ |1d+ |1k? | |
|8| | Valkonen Jouni | 2 kiuu |2k+ |2k+ |1k+ |1k- |1d+ |
At line 366 changed 5 lines
|1|Jonathan Gross |DE |2 kyu | | 1 |
|2|Sebastian Rosenblad |2 kyu | | | 1 |
|3|Bernard Kraft |DE |1 dan | | 1 |
|4|Gelmer Bouwman |NL |1 kyu | |? |
|5| | | | | |
|1|Jonathan Gross |DE |2 kyuu | | 1 |
|2|Sebastian Rosenblad |SE| 2 kyuu | | 1 |
|3|Bernard Kraft |DE |1 kyuu | | 1 |
|4|Gelmer Bouwman |NL |1 kyuu | |0 |
|5|Giray Erdi |TU | 1 dan | |1 |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
115 11-Aug-2008 00:37 22.738 kB to previous
114 09-Aug-2008 22:10 22.737 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
113 09-Aug-2008 22:09 22.744 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
112 09-Aug-2008 15:41 22.565 kB to previous | to last
111 09-Aug-2008 13:02 22.559 kB to previous | to last
110 09-Aug-2008 12:28 22.555 kB to previous | to last
109 09-Aug-2008 11:20 22.553 kB to previous | to last
108 08-Aug-2008 20:24 22.553 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
107 08-Aug-2008 20:23 22.553 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
106 08-Aug-2008 20:12 22.373 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
105 08-Aug-2008 14:42 22.373 kB to previous | to last
104 08-Aug-2008 01:21 22.322 kB to previous | to last
103 07-Aug-2008 19:46 22.417 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
102 07-Aug-2008 19:44 22.417 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last
101 07-Aug-2008 15:44 22.223 kB Markku Jantunen to previous | to last *
« This page (revision-115) was last changed on 11-Aug-2008 00:37 by