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This page (revision-23) was last changed on 29-May-2017 02:35 by  

This page was created on 06-Nov-2003 00:38 by

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At line 6 changed 17 lines
|| Irc Nick || Real Name || KGS Nick || Country || KGS\IRL Ranking
| [Absorbed] | Mark Youngman | Absorbed | UK | 30kyu \ ?
| [Arc-] | Aku Kotkavuo | Arc | Finland | 23kyu \ ?
| [Ashburnie] | Aleksis Kauppinen | Ashburnie | Finland | 5kyu \ 8kyu
| [Coran] | Niko Salovaara | Soraani | Finland | ? \ ?
| [Darg-san] | Feng Huang | Darg | Finland | ? \ ?
| [Eld] | Jonatan Pöljö | eld | Sweden | 12kyu \ ?
| [Felix] | Janne Lahdenperä | FelixK | Finland | 13kyu \ ?
| [Freakwave] | Ville Nurmi | Freakwave | Finland | ? \ 28kyu
| [ICE] | David Gouldby | Tyjet | UK | 22kyu \ ?
| [karldall] | karl dall | karldall | Germany | -
| [Lenkki-dono] | Mikael Leiviskä | Lenkki | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
| [Pokaali] | Sampo Syrjänen | pokaali | Finland | 8kyu \ 12kyu
| [Snabbis] | Tuomo Ruuhijoki | Snabba | Finland | 18-19kyu \ ?
| [st`sTriker|Striker]| Dennis Fischer | Striker | Germany | 18kyu \ ?
| [Supe] | - | Supe | Finland | 18kyu \ ?
| [Tanthie] | Olli-Pekka Hautamäki | Tanthie | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
|| Irc Nick || Real Name || KGS Nick || Country || KGS\IRL Ranking
| Absorbed | Mark Youngman | Absorbed | UK | 30kyu \ ?
| Arc- | Aku Kotkavuo | Arc | Finland | 23kyu \ ?
| Ashburnie | Aleksis Kauppinen | Ashburnie | Finland | 5kyu \ 8kyu
| Coran | Niko Salovaara | Soraani | Finland | ? \ ?
| Darg-san | Feng Huang | Darg | Finland | ? \ ?
| Eld | Jonatan Pöljö | eld | Sweden | 12kyu \ ?
| Felix | Janne Lahdenperä | FelixK | Finland | 13kyu \ ?
| Freakwave | Ville Nurmi | Freakwave | Finland | ? \ 28kyu
| ICE | David Gouldby | Tyjet | UK | 22kyu \ ?
| karldall | karl dall | karldall | Germany | -
| Lenkki-dono | Mikael Leiviskä | Lenkki | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
| Pokaali | Sampo Syrjänen | pokaali | Finland | 8kyu \ 12kyu
| Snabbis | Tuomo Ruuhijoki | Snabba | Finland | 18-19kyu \ ?
| st`sTriker|Striker| Dennis Fischer | Striker | Germany | 18kyu \ ?
| Supe | - | Supe | Finland | 18kyu \ ?
| Tanthie | Olli-Pekka Hautamäki | Tanthie | Finland | 14kyu \ ?
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
23 29-May-2017 02:35 2.152 kB to previous
22 08-Aug-2013 09:11 2.232 kB to previous | to last spämmi pois
21 08-Aug-2013 00:38 0.829 kB Chicacheci to previous | to last js9CD1jRXFj
« This page (revision-23) was last changed on 29-May-2017 02:35 by