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This page (revision-21) was last changed on 22-Oct-2011 10:05 by  

This page was created on 01-Oct-2011 18:16 by

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Difference between version and

At line 11 added one line
|[{Counter}]| Mattila | Ilkka | 3 dan | OGP | Ei | Ei |
At line 12 changed 3 lines
|[{Counter}]| Leppälä | Kalle| 1 dan | OGP| Ei | Vaikka |
|[{Counter}]| Väätäjä | Ville | 2 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Schmdit | Henri | 2 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Niskala | Mika | 1 kyu | - | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Salminen | Miikka | 1 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Aula | Matti | 1 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Nikula | Antti | 1 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Schmidt | Henri | 2 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Hyvärinen | Markus | 3 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Hätälä | Sami | 5 kyu?| - | Ei | Ei | Ehkä
|[{Counter}]| Tornberg | Juuso | 9 kyu| OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Keskitalo | Elina | 13 kyu | OGP | Ei | Ei |
|[{Counter}]| Koskela | Matti | 18 kyu?? | OGP | Ei | Ei |
At line 20 removed 2 lines
|[{Counter}]| | | | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
21 22-Oct-2011 10:05 1.435 kB to previous
« This page (revision-21) was last changed on 22-Oct-2011 10:05 by