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This page (revision-26) was last changed on 21-Oct-2022 16:53 by Tomi Petäjäniemi  

This page was created on 15-Oct-2022 14:24 by Tomi Petäjäniemi

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Difference between version and

At line 4 changed 2 lines
|1| Lauri Paatero|4d | 16+ | 8- | 15- | 10 | |1
|2| Jouko Kelomäki|3d | 15+ | 7- | 12- | 13 | |1
|1| Lauri Paatero|4d | 16+ | 8- | 15- | 13 | |1
|2| Jouko Kelomäki|3d | 15+ | 7- | 12- | 16 | |1
At line 16 changed one line
|13| Olli Pulkkinen|2d | 4- | 12- | 14+ | 2 | |1
|13| Olli Pulkkinen|2d | 4- | 12- | 14+ | 1 | |1
At line 19 changed one line
|16| Pekka Keipi|2d | 1- | 9- | 10+ | 1 | |0
|16| Pekka Keipi|2d | 1- | 9- | 10+ | 2 | |0
At line 61 changed 2 lines
| 5 | Lauri Paatero | Pekka Keipi |
| 6 | Jouko Kelomäki | Olli Pulkkinen |
| 5 | Lauri Paatero | Olli Pulkkinen |
| 6 | Jouko Kelomäki | Pekka Keipi |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
26 21-Oct-2022 16:53 3.324 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous
25 21-Oct-2022 13:14 3.404 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last
24 17-Oct-2022 10:40 3.324 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last
23 17-Oct-2022 10:40 3.335 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last Lopulliset tulokset
22 16-Oct-2022 16:40 3.236 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last
21 16-Oct-2022 16:29 3.189 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last
« This page (revision-26) was last changed on 21-Oct-2022 16:53 by Tomi Petäjäniemi