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This page (revision-108) was last changed on 24-Feb-2018 17:05 by  

This page was created on 21-Aug-2003 22:07 by

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At line 21 changed one line
!Einari Niskanen
At line 24 changed 9 lines
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | [juhtolv] |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| | |
|Tesuji| |x| | |
|Life & Death| |x| [juhtolv] | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | |
|In The Beginning| |x| | |
|Get Strong at Tesuji| |x| | |
|Opening Theory Made Easy| |x| | |
|1971 Honinbo Tournament, The| | x | | |
|2nd EGF Ing Cup. A Tournament Book| | x | | |
|3-3 point - Modern Opening Theory, The| | x | | |
|All About life and Death| | x | | |
|Appreciating famous games| | x | | |
|Beyond Forcing Moves| | x | | |
|Chinese Opening, The| | x | | |
|Dictionary of basic Joseki, Vol 1| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa)
|Dictionary of basic Joseki, Vol 2| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa)
|Dictionary of basic Joseki, Vol 3| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa)
|Fuseki (Nihon-Kiin)| | x | | |
|Galactic Go, Vol. 1| | x | | |
|Galactic Go, Vol. 2| | x | | |
|Get Strong at Joseki 2| | x | | |
|Igo Hatsuyo Ron, Vol. 1| | x | | |
|Invincible, The| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa. Pyhä kirja)
|Kato's Attack and Kill|x| |Tero| |
|Korean Yearbook 2002| | x | | |
|Lessons in Fundamentals of Go| | x | | |
|Life and Master Games| | x | | |
|Maeda Vol. 3| | x | | |
|Middle Game of Go|x| |Jouni|Voin antaa pois/palauttaa|
|Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 1| | x | | |
|Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 2| | x | | |
|Positional Judgement - Hi-speed game anylysis| | x | | |
|Trick in Joseki| | x | | |
|Utilizing Outward Influence| | x | | |
|Way Play for the 21st Century, A| | x | | |
|Whole Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 1| | x | | |
|Whole Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 2| | x | | |
|Winning a Won Game| | x | | |
At line 56 added 3 lines
Lisäksi yksi Choi Hun Hyun:in koreankielinen pulmakirja, jonka nimeä ei tiedetä.
Se on jonkin sarjan 10. osa.
At line 36 removed one line
At line 46 removed 6 lines
!Einari Niskanen
|Middle Game of Go|x| |Jouni|Voin antaa pois/palauttaa|
|Kato's Attack and Kill|x| |Tero| |
At line 56 changed one line
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 1| |x| | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 1| |x| | Ismo "CodeBlast" Horppu |
At line 58 changed one line
!Maunu Tuomainen
!Maunu Tuomainen
At line 83 added 14 lines
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| Einari Niskanen | [juhtolv] |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| Einari Niskanen | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| Einari Niskanen | |
|Tesuji| |x| | |
|Life & Death| |x| [juhtolv] | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | |
|In The Beginning| |x| | |
|Get Strong at Tesuji| |x| | |
|Opening Theory Made Easy| |x| | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
108 24-Feb-2018 17:05 5.167 kB to previous
107 30-Dec-2017 10:05 5.165 kB to previous | to last
106 05-Aug-2017 23:15 5.164 kB to previous | to last
105 28-Dec-2010 21:54 5.091 kB to previous | to last
104 15-Oct-2009 15:33 5.195 kB to previous | to last Pekka palautti pari kirjaa Einarille
103 06-Aug-2009 17:08 5.205 kB to previous | to last
102 15-Jan-2008 18:35 5.185 kB to previous | to last uusia lisäyksiä
101 05-Dec-2007 15:05 4.892 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-108) was last changed on 24-Feb-2018 17:05 by