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This page (revision-26) was last changed on 04-May-2016 17:16 by  

This page was created on 18-Apr-2016 23:43 by JanneNikula

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At line 10 changed 8 lines
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | |  | |
| [{Counter}] | Prodi | 5 dan  | ei | Pempu saunoo!
| [{Counter}] | Jesse Savo | 4 dan | ei | Pempu saunoo!
| [{Counter}] | Juri Kuronen | 6 dan | pls no | Pempu saunoo!
| [{Counter}] | BigBrother | 4Dan 2141 | ei | Pempu saunoo!
| [{Counter}] | Mika Lemström |1600 | joo |
| [{Counter}] | AlfaGo | 3 Dan 2002 | mielummin ei | Pempu saunoo?
| [{Counter}] | Jouni Valkonen | 1 Dan | ei | Pempu saunoo
| [{Counter}] | Juuso Takalainen | 5k | mikä ettei |
| [{Counter}] | Arto Heikkinen |Kaikki käy  |2 danone |
| [{Counter}] | Matti Virolainen | 12k 1500±50 | miten vain |
| [{Counter}] | Juho Heikkinen | 2 dan | ei |
| [{Counter}] | Ootakamoku | 4dan 2128 | ei |
| [{Counter}] | Xining Li | 2d | no |
| [{Counter}] | musto | 2016 | 0 |
| [{Counter}] | HermanniHiiri | 4kyu 2146 | |
| [{Counter}] | Cay | 11k | ette tarvitse |
| [{Counter}] | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
26 04-May-2016 17:16 1.537 kB to previous Ei pysty
25 04-May-2016 16:22 1.595 kB to previous | to last
24 04-May-2016 14:45 1.648 kB to previous | to last
23 04-May-2016 14:38 1.629 kB to previous | to last
22 04-May-2016 14:27 1.606 kB to previous | to last
21 03-May-2016 22:26 1.596 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-26) was last changed on 04-May-2016 17:16 by