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; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS
   1 Chuhan Jiao                     5D XX xxxx   32 0 0 0   12+/b0    9+/w0    2+/w0    7-/w0    0-   
     Laatikainen Vesa                5D FI  eGo   32 0 0 0    3+/w0    5+/w0    1-/b0   12+/b0    0-   
     Pulkkinen Olli                  2D FI YliG   32 0 0 0    2-/b0   12+/w0    7+/b0    5+/b0    0-   
   4 Jiang Brian                     3D XX YliG   31 0 0 0    0=       8+/b0    5-/w0    0=       0-   
     Lajunen Pekka                   3D FI  HGK   31 0 0 0    7+/w0    2-/b0    4+/b0    3-/w0    0-   
     Merenparras Mikael              2D FI  eGo   31 0 0 0    0=       0=       0=      13+/w0    0-   
     Paatero Lauri                   4D FI  HGK   31 0 0 0    5-/b0   10+/w0    3-/w0    1+/b0    0-   
     Sinkkonen Peter                 2K FI xxxx   31 0 0 0   14+/b0    4-/w0   10+/w0   11+/b0    0-   
   9 Alanko Jarno                    2K FI PoGo   30 0 0 0   15+/b0    1-/b0   11-/w0   14+/w0    0-   
     Kohonen Sari                    4K FI  eGo   30 0 0 0   13+/w0    7-/b0    8-/b0   15+/w0    0-   
     Koistinen Ville                 2K FI YliG   30 0 0 0    0=      14+/w0    9+/b0    8-/w0    0-   
     Pihlajamaa Joonas               1K FI  eGo   30 0 0 0    1-/w0    3-/b0   13+/b0    2-/w0    0-   
  13 Kaipiainen Eero                 5K FI Hels   29 0 0 0   10-/b0   15+/w0   12-/w0    6-/b0    0-   
     Pitkänen Olli                   5K FI Teng   29 0 0 0    8-/w0   11-/b0   15+/w0    9-/b0    0-   
  15 Lemström Mika                   6K FI  Ego   28 0 0 0    9-/w0   13-/b0   14-/b0   10-/b0    0-   

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« This particular version was published on 14-Aug-2022 12:52 by Vesa.