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Lainattavat kirjat

  1. Tesuji and anti-suji of Go
  2. 100 Challenging Go Problems for 100 Days of Study
  3. The Endgame
  4. Intermediate Level: Power Builder, vol. 1
  5. Get Strong at Tesuji
  6. Get Strong at Life and Death
  7. Tesuji
  8. Fundamentals
  9. Whole Board Thinking in Joseki, vol. 1

Lahjoittaja: Hannu Pajula


Kirjan nro Lainaajan nimi Lainauspvm.
6 Esa 19.3
5 H-P 23.3
4 pto 14.5
8 Visa 14.5


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« This particular version was published on 14-May-2004 16:45 by