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Tulokset turnaukseen N+SM 2022
[N+SM 2022] - Before Round 3
Place Name                                 Club     Level Score     1        2        3    Points ScoreX   SOS   SOSOS
   1  Rovio, Suvi                          fi-Kanp  2 Dan   12      3+       6+       2?      2      12     22     45 
  (2) Kohonen, Sari                        fi-Ego   4 Kyu   12      5+       4+       1?      2      12     22     45 
   3  Arola, Aura                          fi-Ego   7 Kyu   11      1-       7+       9?      1      11     23     43 
  (4) Niinisalo, Ulla-Maija                fi-por  12 Kyu   11      8+       2-       7?      1      11     23     43 
   5  Poutiainen, Tellervo                 fi-por  12 Kyu   11      2-       9+     free      1      11     22     44 
  (6) Wendelin, Helena                             25 Kyu   11    free       1-       8?      1      11     22     44 
   7  Niinisalo, Helena                    fi-Bosh  5 Kyu   11      9+       3-       4?      1      11     21     45 
   8  Seppälä, Milla                               25 Kyu   11      4-     free       6?      1      11     21     44 
   9  Mattila, Alku                        fi-TTgo 10 Kyu   10      7-       5-       3?      0      10     22     43 
  10  Tarjanne, Elsa                       fi-Ego   5 Kyu   11      -        -        -       0      10     20     40 

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« This particular version was published on 15-Oct-2022 16:59 by Tomi Petäjäniemi.