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Result from Nordic Championship are here:


Mikael Nenonen, 1 dan -> 2 dan
Aapo Niitamo, 1 kyu -> 1 dan
Toni Vihermäki, 2 kyu -> 1 kyu
Tuukka Muroke, 3 kyu -> 2 kyu
Anttoni Maula, 4 kyu -> 2 kyu
Jukka Jylänki, 6 kyu -> 3 kyu
Jerry Savo, 8 kyu -> 6 kyu
Olli Koskivaara, 12 kyu -> 11 kyu
Vilhelmiina Niinisalo, 15 kyu -> 13 kyu
Tellervo Poutiainen, 16 kyu -> 14 kyu
Aura Tamminen, 15 kyu -> 14 kyu
Ulla-Maija Niinisalo, 18 kyu -> 15 kyu
Simo Leppänen, 18 kyu -> 15 kyu

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« This particular version was published on 25-Apr-2011 16:48 by Jouni Valkonen.