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This page (revision-83) was last changed on 06-Sep-2012 23:00 by  

This page was created on 13-Oct-2010 16:21 by Assu

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Uusi projekti
---> __Ergoproxyn Kgs-opintopiiri:__\\
__Ergoproxyn Kgs-opintopiiri:__\\
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Hey, I'm Javier Savolainen and this is my online Go-school project which started in October 2010.
Since then I've organized 5 study seasons with several groups.\\
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__vetäjä?__ Javier-Aleksi Savolainen eli [Assu] 5 dan.
Lets start the study circle for August! As usual, the program is as follows:
Study circle at 20:00, Reviewing games played with the teacher(Ergoproxy), tournament games, professional games.\\
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__Kenelle?:__ 2 kyu-2 dan pelaajille (su 17.10 alkava ryhmä. ryhmään mahtuu 5-10 pelaajaa)\\
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__opetus:__ Käydään opintopiiriläisten pelejä läpi. Kerran viikossa, sunnuntaisin 1,5 tuntia.\\
__06/2012 News__
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As some of you might know, I've been quite busy with my studies, but I'm finally starting to settle down here in Mikkeli.\\
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__hinta:__ 15€/ kuukausi, siihen sisältyy 4x 1,5 tunnin sessiot, joissa käyn oppilaiden pelejä läpi ja esitän kysymyksiä.\\
This means I'm going to have some time for Online-lessons again. Please put your name on the list if you're interested in joining us.
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||Group||level|| weekday
| A | 1-4d| __Tuesday?__ ! Day undecided
| B | 3k-1k| -
| C | 8k-4k| -
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__Hyvää opintopiirissä on se,__ että se on hyvin edullinen ja yhden oppitunnin aikana ehditään käymään 5-6 peliä läpi,
joten käytännössä oppilaan on mahdollista saada yksi pelinsä läpikäydyksi lähes jokaisella oppitunnilla.
Lisäksi opettajan käytössä on __kgs:än audio-systeemi__, joten oppilaiden on helpompi seurata opetusta.\\
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__Activity list__
||__activity__||level|| lenght || Price
| Game reviews | All| |
| Tournament games | All| |
| Pro-game Lectures | All| |
| Simultaneous games | All| |
| __Total__ | |90 minutes/once a week | 15€/month
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Ilmoittautumiset ja tiedustelut sähköpostilla -> __javi91jr@hotmail.com__
tai viestillä kgs:än kautta.\\
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Myös oheisen listan kautta.
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|| ||Nimi/kgs account||luokitus|| muuta
|[{Counter}]|Ergoproxy | 5 dan egf | ohjaaja
|[{Counter}]|Janisan | 2 kyu egf |
|[{Counter}]|Pessi | 1 dan egf |
|[{Counter}]|Darg | 1 kyu egf |
|[{Counter}]|Noned | 1 dan egf |
|[{Counter}]| | |
|[{Counter}]| | |
__Why should you join us?__
||__Why?__||x|| Result || notes
| You like to play Go |x |new experiences |
| You enjoy learning new/better ways to play |x |Improvement in level |
| Customized teaching |x | Best value for your money|
| To enjoy our group activities |x |Get to know new Go-players |
| kgs-audio system |x |Learning Go has never been this convenient |
Contact me by e-mail -> __javier.savolainen@aalto.fi__
__Note:__ Please ask if you want to join as an observer.
__August 2012 participation list:__
|| ||Nimi/kgs account||rank|| weekday || group|| start day
|[{Counter}]| Javier | 5dan| monday-sunday| Teacher|06.8->
|[{Counter}]| kt123 | 3dan| tu-we-th| A|
|[{Counter}]| Mo | 1dan| su-mo| A|
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
83 06-Sep-2012 23:00 1.983 kB to previous
82 31-Jul-2012 19:54 1.986 kB to previous | to last Opintopiiri alkaa taas elokuun alussa. Tervetuloa mukaan
81 10-Jul-2012 22:00 2.053 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-83) was last changed on 06-Sep-2012 23:00 by