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This page (revision-33) was last changed on 22-Feb-2005 07:23 by JaakkoVirtanen  

This page was created on 30-Jan-2005 12:03 by

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Difference between version and

At line 12 changed one line
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Jesse Savo | 6kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Jesse Savo | 5 kyu
At line 14 changed 5 lines
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] | |
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] | |
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] | |
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] | |
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] | | \\
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Thomas Gaebler| 6 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Markus Koivisto | 20 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Joonas Tyystjärvi | 2 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Teemu Suutari | 7 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Matias Virsu | 5 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Teppo Repo | 6 kyu
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Jaakko Virtanen | 1 kyu\\
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Aapo Niitamo | 3 kyu\\
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Martti Soininen | 23 kyu\\
|[{Counter name='simultaani'}] |Ville-Veikko Packalen | 8 kyu?\\
At line 21 changed one line
Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 (Datacity). Tarkempaa tietoa myöhemmin.
Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 B (Datacity).Eli B porras 5. krs.Hissistä tullessa suoraan edessä olevasta ovesta sisään (ei siis käännytä oikealle). Kello 16 tiistaina yksityisopetukseen tulevat pääsevät vielä itse hissillä ylös. Luennolle saapuvia on joku päivystämässä alhaalla 18.45 alkaen (jos alhaalla ei ole ketään tuttua niin odottele hetki, olen silloin tod. näk viemässä jotain poppoota ylös).
At line 28 changed one line
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Jesse Savo | 6kyu
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Jesse Savo | 5kyu
At line 35 added 5 lines
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Thomas Gaebler| 6 kyu
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Markus Koivisto | 20 kyu
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Joonas Tyystjärvi | 2 kyu
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Teemu Suutari | 7 kyu
|[{Counter name='dc'}] |Teppo Repo | 6 kyu
At line 34 removed 4 lines
|[{Counter name='dc'}] | |
|[{Counter name='dc'}] | |
|[{Counter name='dc'}] | |
|[{Counter name='dc'}] | |
At line 47 added 2 lines
Yksityisopetuksen pitopaikaksi ainakin tiistaina 16- käynee Datacity.
Maanantaille koitetaan keksiä jokin paikka.
At line 42 changed one line
[#3] Yksityisopetus 1. 10 e/h
Tiistaina varataan opettajille klo 14-16 lepo/ruokatauko
[#3] Yksityisopetus: Lee Ki Bong 10 e/h
At line 44 changed one line
|Jesse Savo |Ma ~16-17-18 | Saks. srk?\\
| Antti Soukka | Ti 16-17 | Datacity \\
At line 56 added one line
| | | \\
At line 47 changed one line
Yksityisopetus 2.
Yksityisopetus: Lee Seong-Keun 10 e/h
At line 49 changed 2 lines
| | | \\
| | | \\
|Jesse Savo |Ti 16-18 | Datacity\\
At line 52 changed 2 lines
| | | \\
| | | \\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
33 22-Feb-2005 07:23 2.759 kB JaakkoVirtanen to previous
32 21-Feb-2005 17:42 2.799 kB to previous | to last
31 21-Feb-2005 17:23 2.733 kB MarttiSoininen to previous | to last
30 21-Feb-2005 17:02 2.673 kB to previous | to last
29 21-Feb-2005 09:53 2.561 kB to previous | to last
28 19-Feb-2005 17:15 2.336 kB AapoNiitamo to previous | to last
27 18-Feb-2005 14:27 2.28 kB JaakkoVirtanen to previous | to last
26 18-Feb-2005 14:25 2.228 kB JaakkoVirtanen to previous | to last
25 18-Feb-2005 13:55 2.19 kB to previous | to last
24 16-Feb-2005 09:18 2.13 kB to previous | to last
23 09-Feb-2005 14:45 2.089 kB Werfeus to previous | to last
22 09-Feb-2005 13:43 2.089 kB to previous | to last
21 07-Feb-2005 06:23 2.059 kB Werfeus to previous | to last
« This page (revision-33) was last changed on 22-Feb-2005 07:23 by JaakkoVirtanen