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This page (revision-65) was last changed on 17-Sep-2012 18:32 by  

This page was created on 30-Dec-2004 10:57 by Rasse

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At line 6 changed 11 lines
27.05.2007 : 6 kyu (Peli-ilta, Pekka Lajunen)|\\
04.04.2006 : 8 kyu (HGK Cup2, M.Siivola)\\
13.04.2005 : 9 kyu \\
06.04.2005 : 10 kyu \\
09.03.2005 : 11 kyu \\
27.02.2005 : 13 kyu \\
25.01.2005 : 14 kyu \\
19.01.2005 : 15 kyu \\
05.01.2005 : 16 kyu \\
03.11.2004 : 18 kyu \\
27.07.2004 : 25 kyu
|| Pvm || Luokitus || Korottaja
| 27.05.2007 | 6 kyu | Pekka Lajunen
| 04.04.2006 | 8 kyu | Matti Siivola
| 13.04.2005 | 9 kyu |
| 06.04.2005 | 10 kyu |
| 09.03.2005 | 11 kyu |
| 27.02.2005 | 13 kyu |
| 25.01.2005 | 14 kyu |
| 19.01.2005 | 15 kyu |
| 05.01.2005 | 16 kyu |
| 03.11.2004 | 18 kyu |
| 27.07.2004 | 25 kyu |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
65 17-Sep-2012 18:32 2.523 kB to previous
64 17-Sep-2012 08:54 2.515 kB to previous | to last
63 17-Sep-2012 08:52 2.498 kB to previous | to last
62 17-Sep-2012 08:49 2.453 kB to previous | to last
61 17-Sep-2012 08:49 2.451 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-65) was last changed on 17-Sep-2012 18:32 by