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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
SM2022a Pempu vs Kössö.sgf 4.1 kB 1 15-Oct-2022 12:57

This page (revision-35) was last changed on 13-Oct-2022 13:22 by  

This page was created on 11-Jul-2022 11:58 by Tomi Petäjäniemi

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At line 1 added 2 lines
!!! Ilmoittautuminen on päättynyt
At line 20 changed 3 lines
| [{Counter}]| Jouko Kelomäki | SM-sarja 5. | YliGo |
| [{Counter}]| Matti Siivola | SM-sarja 6. | HGK |
| [{Counter}]| Henry Hemming | SM-karsinta 4.| YliGo |
| [{Counter}]| Jouko Kelomäki | SM-sarja 5. | YliGo | Kyllä
| [{Counter}]| Henry Hemming | SM-karsinta 4.| YliGo | Kyllä
At line 24 removed one line
| [{Counter}]| Simo Vanhala | SM-karsinta 6.| YliGo |
At line 26 changed one line
| [{Counter}]| Mikko Siukola | SM-karsinta 8.| YliGo |
| [{Counter}]| Juuso Koskinen | Wildcard | Kanpai | Kyllä
At line 30 added one line
| [{Counter}]| Janne Kössö | OGP | 2431
At line 32 added 3 lines
| [{Counter}]| Mikko Nevala | OGP | 2309
| [{Counter}]| Pekka Lajunen | HGK | 2230
| [{Counter}]| Teemu Rovio | Kanpai | 2225
At line 32 changed 8 lines
| [{Counter}]| Janne Nikula | YliGo | 2113
| [{Counter}]| Pekka Keipi | YliGo | 2100
| [{Counter}]| Tomi Petäjäniemi | Kanpai | 2081
| [{Counter}]| Juuso Koskinen | Kanpai | 2049
| [{Counter}]| Mikko Ahvenniemi | eGo | 1925
| [{Counter}]| | |
| [{Counter}]| | |
| [{Counter}]| | |
| [{Counter}]| Olli Pulkkinen | YliGo | 2181
| [{Counter}]| Eetu Erkkilä | YliGo | 2165
| [{Counter}]| Kalle Timperi | OGP | 2134
| [{Counter}]| Pekka Keipi | YliGo | 2115
At line 41 removed 3 lines
At line 43 added 2 lines
| varasija [{Counter name='vara'}]| Tomi Petäjäniemi | Kanpai | 2089 |
| varasija [{Counter name='vara'}]| | | |
At line 47 removed 2 lines
| varasija [{Counter name='vara'}]| | | |
| varasija [{Counter name='vara'}]| | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
35 13-Oct-2022 13:22 2.613 kB to previous
34 08-Oct-2022 13:16 2.637 kB to previous | to last
33 08-Oct-2022 10:05 2.614 kB Tomi Petäjäniemi to previous | to last Pelaajalista lyöty lukkoon
32 08-Oct-2022 09:46 2.849 kB to previous | to last
31 08-Oct-2022 01:04 2.805 kB to previous | to last
30 08-Oct-2022 01:01 2.794 kB to previous | to last
29 04-Oct-2022 09:33 2.789 kB to previous | to last
28 04-Oct-2022 09:21 2.821 kB to previous | to last
27 02-Oct-2022 22:35 2.854 kB to previous | to last
26 02-Oct-2022 19:52 2.812 kB to previous | to last
25 02-Oct-2022 18:29 2.766 kB to previous | to last
24 02-Oct-2022 15:23 2.763 kB to previous | to last
23 02-Oct-2022 10:32 2.719 kB to previous | to last
22 02-Oct-2022 10:32 2.728 kB to previous | to last
21 30-Sep-2022 08:42 2.725 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-35) was last changed on 13-Oct-2022 13:22 by