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This page (revision-142) was last changed on 16-Jul-2003 23:33 by  

This page was created on 02-Dec-2002 22:52 by Matti_Siivola

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At line 22 changed 4 lines
||Name||train group ~60 euro||train return||visa status||personal data received by Matti
|Matti Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50|received| yes
|Sinikka Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50|invitation received| yes
|[Antti Holappa]| yes|3.8. 16:50|waiting for visa| yes
||Name||train group ~60 euro (G1)||train return (G)||visa status||personal data received by Matti
|Matti Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2)|received| yes
|Sinikka Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2)|invitation received| yes
|[Antti Holappa]| yes|3.8. 16:50 (G2?)|waiting for visa| yes
|Ruurd Wiersma|yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|received|yes
|Tuomo Salo| yes | 3.8. 16:50 (G2?)|applied|yes
|Arend Van Oosten|yes| 3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|-|yes
|Markku Jantunen|group yes, return only|3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|waiting for invitation| no
At line 30 removed 2 lines
|Ruurd Wiersma|yes|3.8. 16.50|received|yes
|Arend Van Oosten|yes| 3.8. 16.50|-|yes
At line 33 removed one line
|Tuomo Salo| yes | 3.8. 16:50|applied|yes
At line 40 removed one line
|Markku Jantunen|group yes, return only|3.8. 16.50|waiting for invitation| no
At line 109 added 15 lines
The train leaves from Pasila 15.49. It is possible to catch it as it is 15-20 minutes drive from the airport, but if ypur plane is late then you have trouble. Anyway it is possible, but expensive to catch the train by taxi.
-- [Matti] Siivola 1.7.2003
I changed the column about bus ride to indicate whter I has recieved the personal dat<a for the group ticket. I intend to buy the Helsinki St. Petersburg group ticket on July.
If I am missing personal data for a person that time I might not be able to include the person in the group. Be sure that if you leave you passport in the embassy to write down the number.
I made an indication for a group ticket for the trip back from St.Petersburg to Helsinki.
on 3.8 on ytain which depart 16.50 and marked it with G2. Pelase confirm it by removing the question mark or reject by deteltin G2. If six persons are left before we depart I will
by a groupp ticket for that too.
It is possible that players returning after the first week can collect six persons in the same train, but I leave the organising to one of those.
-- [Matti] Siivola 1.7.2003
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
142 16-Jul-2003 23:33 7.853 kB to previous
141 16-Jul-2003 23:31 7.847 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-142) was last changed on 16-Jul-2003 23:33 by