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Suomeksi / Finnish

3.-4. or 10.-11.5.

Time table (draft)

morning ships from Turku and Stockholm
ca.15.15 arrival to Maarianhamina
ca.16.00 1st round
- 2nd round
n 1.35 ship to Helsinki (if in a hurry)
aamupäivä some program
n 15.30ships to Turku and Stokholm
n 1.35 ship to Helsinki

Interested from Finland

namerankplay in Saturdayplay in Sundaypreferred date
Matti 5 dan Yes Most likely 3.-4.5.
Teemu R.-Yes Most likely
Antti H.-Yes Yes

Interested from Sweden

namerankplay in Saturdayplay in Sundaypreferred date

Comments for the program?

-- Matti_Siivola 24.2.2003

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« This particular version was published on 24-Feb-2003 23:08 by Matti_Siivola.