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Omistaja Kirja lainassaKenelläMuuta
Tiia Kekkonen Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go xVillellä
Janne Lahdenperä Elementary Go Series, Vol2. 38 Basic Joseki
Janne Lahdenperä Elementary Go Series, Vol3. Tesuji
Janne Lahdenperä Elementary Go Series, Vol4. Life And Death
Janne Lahdenperä Elementary Go Series, Vol5. Attack And Defence
Paavo Pietarila Strategic Concepts of Go
Paavo Pietarila Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go
Paavo Pietarila All about Thickness
Paavo Pietarila Positional Judgment
Paavo Pietarila Making Good Shape
Paavo Pietarila Nie Weiping on Go
Paavo Pietarila Beauty and the Beast
Paavo Pietarila Modern Joseki and Fuseki 1 & 2 x
Paavo Pietarila 38 Basic Joseki
Paavo Pietarila Dictionary of Basic Joseki 1, 2 & 3
Paavo Pietarila The Direction of Play
Paavo Pietarila The 3-3 Point
Paavo Pietarila Get Strong at the Opening x missälie?
Paavo Pietarila Essential Joseki
Paavo Pietarila Lee Changho's Novel Plays and Shapes
Paavo Pietarila Jungsuk in Our Time
Paavo Pietarila Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go x missälie?
Paavo Pietarila Life and Death
Paavo Pietarila Get Strong at Life and Death
Paavo Pietarila One Thousand and One Life-and-Death Problems
Paavo Pietarila Life and Death: Intermediate Level Problems
Paavo Pietarila The Middle Game of Go
Paavo Pietarila Attack and Defense
Paavo Pietarila Reducing Territorial Frameworks
Paavo Pietarila Get Strong at Invading
Paavo Pietarila Killer of Go x missälie?
Paavo Pietarila Keshi and Uchikomi: Reduction and Invasion in Go
Paavo Pietarila The Endgame
Paavo Pietarila Get Strong at the Endgame
Paavo Pietarila Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go
Paavo Pietarila The 1971 Honinbo Tournament
Paavo Pietarila Appreciating Famous Games
Paavo Pietarila Invincible
Paavo Pietarila Test Your Go Strength
Paavo Pietarila A Compendium of Trick Plays
Paavo Pietarila Fighting Ko
Paavo Pietarila First Kyu x
Paavo Pietarila Ranka Yearbook, 1998-2000, 2002
Paavo Pietarila Go Seigen Tesuji Dictionary, 1-3 (jp)
Paavo Pietarila Maeda 1-3 (jp)
Paavo Pietarila Lee Changho's Novel Plays and Shapes #28 (jp)
Antti Törmänen Lessons in the fundamentals x Missälie?
Antti Törmänen Direction of Play x Missälie?
Antti Törmänen Tesuji x
Antti Törmänen Making Good Shape x
Antti Törmänen Attack & Defense x

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« This particular version was published on 12-Jul-2008 12:35 by