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Suomalaisia lähtijöitä PM-kisoihin:

Nimi Mistä ja millä Majoitus
1 Suvi Leppänen Turusta laivalla tai Helsingistä lentäen Zinkensdamm?
2 Max Mäkinen Joko Helsingistä tai Turusta laivalla tod.näk. Fridhemsplan
3 Jesse SavoTurusta laivallaFredi
4 Antti HolappaHelsingistä laivalla (voisin saada 4 hengen hytin halvalla) Zinkensdamm?

As with the ESGC we will make a group booking at Zinkensdamm: , which is near the venue.
Beds in 4-bed rooms with breakfast and final cleaning included will cost
280 Swedish crowns (about 30 euro) per night. There are also double rooms
and other alternatives available at Zinkensdamm (c.f. their pricelist)
which people
can book individually, however if we get to know early we can include more
in the group membership of the Swedish Tourist Association and get a bit
We will also try and find cheap floor accommodation in one of the schools
in the venue area, if possible.
best regards,

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fredda-vesa-pm2008.sgf 1.6 kB 2 26-Mar-2008 10:24 VesaLaatikainen Gota peliin
« This particular version was published on 09-Jan-2008 17:12 by JesseSavo.