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Hieman buginen lista vielä toistaiseksi.
;Num Name                     Str Co Club    R 1    R 2    R 3    R 4    R 5  MMS  SOS  SDS  Pt.
   1 Makinen Juho              1D    PoG   12+b0    8+w0    3+b0    4+w0    2-b0    41  201  160    4 
   2 Hanski Joni               2K    KoG    3-b0    6+w0    9+b0    5+b0    1+w0    41  201  160    4 
   3 Hella Tuomas              3K    Raj    2+w0    7+b0    1-w0   10+b0   11+w0    41  200  159    4 
   4 Ginman Miika              2K    Raj    5+w0    9+w0    6-b0    1-b0   10+w0    40  199  118    3 
   5 Ritakallio Samu           5K    Got    4-b0   13+w0   12+b0    2-w0   14+b0    40  198  117    3 
   6 Syrjänen Sampo            2K    PoG    9-b0    2-b0    4+w0   13+w0   17+w0    40  197˝ 117˝   3 
   7 Hella Olli                1D    Yli   11+b0    3-w0   10-w0   19+b0    9+b0    40  196  116    3 
   8 Nikula Miika              2D    Yli   10+w0    1-b0   11+b0    0=      0=      40  193  115    2 
   9 Berg Mikko                1D    Yli    6+w0    4-b0    2-w0   15+b0    7-w0    39  200   79    2 
  10 Heikkinen Juho            2K    PoG    8-b0   16+w0    7+b0    3-w0    4-b0    39  199˝  78˝   2 
  11 Savolainen Aleksi         2K    HGK    7-w0   14+b0    8-w0   12+w0    3-b0    39  199   78    2 
  12 Nikula Janne              3K    Yli    1-w0   15+b0    5-w0   11-b0   21+w0    39  197   77    2 
  13 Ylönen Joonas             5K    Yli   22+w0    5-b0   16+w0    6-b0   20+w0    39  194˝ 114˝   3 
  14 Viitanen Timo            10K    Eio   18+b0   11-w0   20+w0   17+b0    5-w0    39  194  115    3 
  15 Lappalainen Iivari        8K    Got   21+b0   12-w0   22+b0    9-w0   19+w0    39  192  114    3 
  16 Markkanen Jaakko         17K    KoG   23+w0   10-b0   13-b0   18+w0    free    38˝ 189   93    2˝
  17 Timperi Kalle             5K    Yli   24+b0   19+w0    0=     14-w0    6-b0    38˝ 189   92    2 
  18 Karvo Jouni              17K    PoG   14-w0   23+b0    free   16-b0   24+w0    38˝ 186   90˝   2˝
  19 Kolehmainen Jari         10K    Eio   20+w0   17-b0   23+w0    7-w0   15-b0    38  192   74˝   2 
  20 Vanhala Simo             10K    PoG   19-b0   21+w0   14-b0   24+w0   13-b0    38  190   74    2 
  21 Lappeteläinen Jani       10K    KoG   15-w0   20-b0   24+b0   22+w0   12-b0    38  190   74    2 
  22 Porkka Markus             7K    Eio   13-b0   24+w0   15-w0   21-b0   23+b0    38  188˝  72˝   2 
  23 Kahramanov Iman          17K    HGK   16-b0   18-w0   19-b0    free   22-w0    36˝ 189   18    0˝
  24 Pälvi Konsta              9K    HGK   17-w0   22-b0   21-w0   20-b0   18-b0    36  191    0    0 

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« This particular version was published on 09-Apr-2006 16:03 by