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There is a plan to rent a bus for travel to St Petersburg Go Congress 2003. Most likely we will depart Saturday morning July 19 and return Sunday morning, on 3rd August. Here is a list of those Finnish persons who are interested to go as well. Add your name below if you are interested.

-- Matti_Siivola 2.12.2002

Steve Bailey
Pauline Bailey
Alec and Clio Edgington <>
Ruurd Wiersma <>

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I have got an offer from a bus company for a bus of 30 places return trip with a totla of 2125 euro.That would go from Helsinki to the congress site directly. Departure would be on Saturday 19th July and return to Helsinki on Sunday 3rd August. A return train ticket from Helsinki to St Petersburg in the second class will cost 95,30 euro. A group of 6 -24 persons will get a 40% discount.

So, we have options: rent a bus, take a bus line to St. Petersburg Center (84 Euro return) or go by train.

Are you interested in travelling in a group?

Nametrain group ~60 eurorented bus (max price willing to pay
Steve Bailey? ?
Pauline Bailey??
Alec Edgington <> ??
Clio Edgington ??
Ruurd Wiersma <>??

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« This particular version was published on 23-May-2003 17:23 by Matti.