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13.04.2005 : 9 kyu
06.04.2005 : 10 kyu
09.03.2005 : 11 kyu
27.02.2005 : 13 kyu
25.01.2005 : 14 kyu
19.01.2005 : 15 kyu
05.01.2005 : 16 kyu
03.11.2004 : 18 kyu
27.07.2004 : 25 kyu


Turnaus Pvm Tulos Pelit
Takapotku 5-6.2.2005 2/5 -13k, -13k, +14k, -14k, +15k
Yligo-Open 15.12.2004 2/3 -14k(H4), +15k(H3), +13k(H5)

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« This particular version was published on 13-Apr-2005 22:59 by