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This page (revision-122) was last changed on 17-May-2009 18:21 by Suvi Leppänen  

This page was created on 05-Sep-2005 00:14 by SuviLeppänen

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At line 5 removed 17 lines
|| Turnaus || Milloin || Tulos || Tarkemmin
| TTgoK:n kerhoturnaus 1/2003(H)| 11.-12.1.2003 | 2/6 |18k+ 1d- 12k+ 20- 23k- 12k-
| Kani6 2003| 25-26.1.2003 | 2/5 | 16k- 15k- 23k+ 18k+ 12k-
| Jaakko Munkki (H) | 15.-16.3.2003 | 2/6 | 13k- 11k- 24k+ 13k- 14k- 9k+
| Pogo Open 2003 (H-2) | 5.-6.4.2003 | 1/7 | 8k- 9k- 9k- 12k- 18k- 15k- 25k+
| Oulun Kevätturnaus 2003 | 3.-4.5.2003 | 3/6 | 9k- 8k- 11k- 11k+ 16k+ 16k+
| Yläkaupungin yö 2003 (H) | 24.-25.5.2003 | 2/5 | 1d+ 8k- 11k+ 8k- 12k-
| Toigon kesäleiribonus 2003 (H) | 21.6.2003| 5/9 | 3d- 4k- 7k- 9k+ 9k+ 22k+ 14k- 7k+ 11k+
| Tampereen kerhoturnaus 2/2003 (H) | 7.-8.6.2003 | 4/8 | 9k- 11k- 11k+ 10k- 10k+ 8k+ 3k+ 13k-
| Tampereenmestaruuskarsinnat 2003 | 22-24.8.2003 | 3/5 | 6k- 6k+ 7k+ 3k- 9k+
| Naisten SM 2003 | 30-31.8.2003 | 3/5 | 15k+ 4k+ 3k- 6k- 8k+
| SM-karsinnat 2003 | 13.-14.9.2003 |0/5 | 5k- 5k- 7k- 6k- 5k-
| London Open Go Congress 2003 | 28-31.12.2004 | 5/8 | 5k+ 4k+ 4k+ 4k+ 3k+ 3k- 3k- 2k-
| KenraaliKuutonen (H) | 17-18.1.2004 | 4/8 | 6k+ 7k- 3d- 11k+ 6k- 10k- 2d+
| Kani6 2004 | 24-25.1.2004 | 3/5 | 4k- 4k- 5k+ 5k+ 5k+
At line 22 added 3 lines
Turnaustuloksia löytyy [Paavon pulauttimesta|]\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
122 17-May-2009 18:21 0.033 kB Suvi Leppänen to previous
121 24-Sep-2008 14:39 3.818 kB Suvi Leppänen to previous | to last
« This page (revision-122) was last changed on 17-May-2009 18:21 by Suvi Leppänen